The tournament bracket for the Expert tournament is up! You can find it here.
Signup is still open for the Hard and Medium tournaments.
And anyone who wants to join our union can click here.
Is anyone interested?
Explanation (Read if you don't understand):
I'd have tournaments set up for Hard and Expert, and Easy and Medium if need be.
People would post in the signup like this:
Band Name (In Guitar Hero II): Eric
Level: Expert
Then I'd put Eric in the signup for Expert. Once Expert is full, (Say 16 people) I would randomly split people into 8 pairs of 2, giving each pair a song to face off on.
It would look something like this:
Click here for example
(Thanks to the Guitar Hero Forum for the image)
All contestants would have a day after the start of the round to submit a picture of their highest score on the song given to them to me via PM. The picture would be of the newspaper article after beating the song. Something like:
Click here for example
Of course, the band name and score would need to be legible, and the band name must correspond with the band you entered as.
Once I get all the scores, the person in each pair will advance to the next round.
It's really pretty simple, and would be very fun. :)
Oh, and of course 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place will get award things to put in their signatures.
So, any takers?
Required Signup Info (Read if you intend to sign up):
To sign up, post the following info in this thread:
Band Name (This is your band name in Guitar Hero II. This must match the band name on your pictures)
Difficulty you want to sign up for
Version (PS2 or Xbox 360)
Extra Notes
- You can play if you don't have a digital camera to take a picture with. However, I expect you to be honest and I will check the score to make sure it's legitimate.
-Songs will be chosen at random, but I will leave out Freebird and Jordan.(No requesting songs, it won't change anything)
-I will sign myself up for expert if there is extra space, however if I do make it to the finals and win (doubtful) I won't win anything. The Second placer will win first place.
Once you sign up, I'll send you an invite to our union, where the scores and tournament brackets will be displayed once we begin. :)
Expert Tournament (SIGNUP CLOSED! Bracket for round 1 will be up at 8 PM Mountain Time.)
Andres (Dethshoot)
Tesseract (immortality20)
Alex (corri11)
JAG (toment)
sassafrass (the_PirateKing)
S T D (gochole)
Iron Maiden (gregfluri)
Trogdor (Abby88)
Gnarbalespy (crowbillie)
Anonabyss (BladeDaHedgehog)
The Thunder S**tters (GuitarHero87)
Psycho (jimmyblux)
Hard Tournament (1 more needed minimum)
Alex (corri11)
Ricky (needled24-7)
adrizzle (BeeefIsGoood)
A Team (LordEvergreat)
Psycho (jimmyblux)
Flubs (stormtrooper32)
Medium Tournament (6 more needed minimum)
The Tams (tamsj04)
Kevin (Coveanant)
I will open up Easy if people sign up for it.
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