Hello. In Halo 3, I know that some how you can make a map from a fresh start. I don't mean by editing a map (Example: Adding a turret to High Ground). I mean, a cleared map with no buildings, vehicles, etc. How can you do this?
i think there's a map called foundry from the heroic map pack where you can delete everything and have a practically new map. Or SandBox from the mythic map pack
so how do i get the foundry map? is it from an extra map pack kinda thing like an addon? if so, how can i get it?fablerftw94
Go to the Game Marketplace go to Halo 3's DLC, and find the Heroic Map Pack. Download that. Then after downloading. Go into Forge, pick Foundry, then delete everything. Save the map. Then you can use that as a blank map. Basically.
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