I'll be honest, it's mostly kinda dead and it isn't. Takes real long to find a match. Gets up from usually 200 players, to maybe 2000 on a good night? I only know this cause I wanted to see if Halo 3 MP was still a thing this past February. Don't get me wrong, it's still populated to a point. You can find a game in some playlists, and others are completely dead.
Populated Playlist:
- Team Slayer
- Team Doubles
- Lone Wolves
- Social Slayer
- Multi Team
Semi-Populated Playlist: (Ranging from 5-75 minutes to find a game, also depending on your level and this is what I encounter this past February)
- Team Snipers
- Team Mythic
- Rumble Pit
- Big Team Battle (this mode was my favorite and it's where I spend my time with it back in it's prime)
Dead Playlist:
- Team Swat
- Action Sack
- 7 on 7
- Team Skrimish
As for me, I own Master Chief Collection for Xbox One and now that Xbox One has the BC games listed I love to play on, I no longer use my 360 and I moved on, so I'm pretty much done with Halo 3.
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