Well I just finished my first play through of Mass Effect and man was it ever awesome. Sure it has some technical hangups, the most notable being some damn ugly texture pop-in but this is certainly a case of a game where the sum of it's parts far outweighs its problems.
First off the people who wrote this stuff did a fantastic job. The world or better yet the universe of Mass Effect is incredibly detailed with the various planet descriptions, background and underlying story of ME, the character dialog, etc. I love the dialog wheel. While it mostly just seems like a different take on selecting different lines of dialog from before there is something about it that just 'feels' right and really makes conversing with characters more flowing and natural. The story for this game is incredibly engrossing and very hard to put down because you really want to see what is around the next corner.
I love the combat in this game. I never did get around to using the sniper rifles but the other weapons actually felt pretty satisfying especially the shotgun. It felt great sneaking around a crate or whatever and blasting the enemy up close and moreso if you had the weapon powered up with something like Incidnerary rounds. The combat while in the Mako wasn't as satisfying however. The controls for the vehicle are pretty slippery to come to gripes with and while you can get accustomed to them to a decent degree fairly quickly there always seems to be moments where you'll get frustrated trying to position the thing especially in battles. For the battles I found it easy to simply line yourself up perpendicular to whatever you were shooting at and just move side to side to avoid the projectiles like missiles, acid, energy balls, etc.
Graphically it's a pretty nice looking game overall, fantastic in some areas and a little on the average side in others. To be fair though if you were to go visiting a whole bunch of planets they won't all have gorgeous looking vistas to look at with sunsets, moons and planets in the horizons, volcanic activity, and snow or sandstorms. The characters are quite detailed and the facial animations are expressive. The sound effects are good and the voice actors did an excellent job delivering their dialog. There were times when I did notice a change in the sound from what I would assume was due to them doing different recording sessions. While it would have been nice to have a more constant sound it isn't anything really drastic and was just a very minor annoyance I had with the game.
It's a good size game as well. There are numerous sidequests and I think I did them all and it took me about 45 hours total. I played on Normal and some aspects felt a bit easier the others. The combat and main game stuff felt about right but I rarely ever bought anything save for the Licenses that stock certain items from your own dealer on ship and the Unique Items that raise your medi-gel and grenades that you can hold at a given time. I ended up with tons of credits and was maxed out at 9,999,999 with a pretty good deal of game left over, maybe a little more then ten hours left. Nothing major though and it was nice that I didn't have to worry about money.
All said and done it's a fantastic game that I would recommend to anyone despite it's technical issues. Well-paced storyline that holds your interest from beginning to it's incredibly exciting ending with a ton of potential for future sequels.
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