I find myself quickly losing patience with more and more games, especially those that are lore and cutscene heavy. Where I once used to watch them and read almost anything I could find, these days I just press escape and get annoyed if I have to wait more than 5 minutes for some action.
It's gotten to the point that I think the writers of the games, care too much about their own work and forget that I just want to play the damn game and not watch some lame ass character walking me through some mission and watch scripted event #17
When I was younger I ate all that stuff up, but then again, when I saw younger game developers didn't constantly force me watch these events.
The worst part is if it's unskippable, which pisses me off even more as it kills any replay value. Hell the best games I've played lately, has been simple games. Examples include games such as Legend of Grim Rock, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Trine 2, you get the idea. The only big budget AAA (or whatever you call it) I've played lately that I
enjoyed was Sleeping Dogs (I found it absolutely awesome that I could replay missions, something I always felt GTA lacked severely).
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