Unfortunately, the Wii is my only system. What has happened both this generation and last (which are the only two generations I've bought consoles in thanks to my age at the time and money) is that I've been too impatient to wait until costs come down and more games come out, and I don't have much money to spend, so I go for the cheapest console near the beginning of the generation. Both times, this has been the Nintendo system (and I was raised on Nintendo, so that attachment doesn't help). Last gen I regretted purchasing the GC first instead of the Xbox or the PS2 (I bought all three, but if I'd bought one of the other two first, I probably wouldn't have gotten a GC)--my eyes were opened that generation and my tastes changed. This gen, although I love some of the Wii's games, I'm regretting purchasing it. I've b****ed and moaned before about regretting it, but this time it's legitimate, since it's not just that the Wii doesn't have enough of what I want, but that the 360 actually does have enough of what I want, unlike before. And as I've said elsewhere, I wouldn't even be looking at the Wii games I've been looking at if I had another console to play the better (to me) games on.
Right now, the best games I have on Wii are:
1. RE4, and except for a downgrade in controls, I could get a version with the same content for the PS2.
2. Super Mario Galaxy, which is superb, but I haven't been a platformer fan since the N64, and I don't really replay this game.
3. Metroid Prime 3, another great Metroid game. However, it feels too much like an FPS and not as much like a Metroid as I'd like.
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which I'd rather not be without. I have Melee, but Brawl has so much more to appreciate.
5. RE: UC--Not a fan of the genre and I don't really replay this, but it's good, if only because it's a quality RE game.
6. Zelda: TP--I could just get the GC version, which is just as good, if not slightly better.
And when I compare those and the upcoming to-my-taste Wii games, I'm left disappointed. The above are the cream of the crop on the Wii (IMO), minus RE: UC, I suppose. My list of wanted 360 games I recently compiled is easily thrice that size. Not all of them are superior in quality, but I think that's made up for by the sheer number.
Being a busy college student, not having an income, and being tight on money only compound the issue, since if I had both systems, I'd easily go for a 360 game. I'm tempted to sell stuff (yes, I know... I've only said that a billion times before, too) and buy a cheap Jasper 360.
So... I suppose this is a bit of a wall.
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