I am asking this, probly not the first time, because the sad state of games this year. What happened to 20+ or 30+ hour games. Now they are only 6, I think its money bleeding by big business.
i agree it seems like my worst fears have come true games have now become to commercial i still hope there will be some good one offs that are refreshing and new, not all this name brand crap that it slightly updated each year
I think the problem goes so much deeper than that. The way the world has gone with poorly funded education systems, while creativity and intelligence are left aside in the name of profits, you'll see that there is little that sets games apart anymore. They have turned entire generations of people into money-driven consumers rather than innovative thinkers and inventive creators. There are a few companies that nurture a positive gaming environment, so few that even their games begin to get boring after 10 years.
The world has changed a lot, so have videogames. But there are still very creative and good games out there. So, buy them and enjoy them while they exist.
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