My first eBay experience has turned out to be a bit crap.
I was on a little game-buying spree from when I decided I'd check out eBay for great deals on games! After a bit of searching I finally found Minish Cap, for $15 (which seemed too good to be true -- turns out it was). I bid against another eBayer for a few hours, and finally I won it! I was so excited. I wasn't worried at all, because the item was supposed to be sending from inside Canada, have the box and manual with it as well as the game itself. Not knowing eBay, I thought that it must just be a used copy that someone wanted to get rid of. . . I was wrong.
The package came this morning, and as soon as I saw the return address was Hong Kong and felt how light the package was I knew I was in trouble. . . When I opened it up the box was obviously just folded by the seller, the manual was a cheap 6-page one made with screencaps, and the cartridge itself was obviously not like a normal cartridge in that it had gaps and spaces where it shouldn't have.
I've taken pictures of it all so you guys can assure me that it IS a bootleg, even though I am 99.99% sure it is. I don't even want to start playing it because I read on another forum that many bootlegs save to a battery as opposed to the game itself, meaning when the battery dies so does your save file and saving ability. it pains me because I was so excited to play a Zelda I'd never played before! Plus, I just feel rotten for even owning a bootleg. I love Nintendo too much to do that to them on purpose.
Anywhoo, here are the pictures. Please tell me what you think:
This is what I was sent. I put really badly drawn red circles around important areas: in this one I've circled the crappy screencaps they used for the 6-page booklet. That's right, the booklet only has 6 pages. You can also see in this one how badly the box was folded and crushed, I actually had to tape it together when I got it.
This is the squished and folded box. The first thing I noticed was the typo saying "Engush" instead of English. The other languages could very well have spelling errors too, but I can't understand them. Anyone? Also, this is the PAL boxart as opposed to the NTSC boxart. The artwork on the 6-page booklet is the same as this, but actually squashed to fit the rectangular pages.
The label isn't even on straight. . .
Finally, the cartridge itself is not closed tightly, and you can see the electronics inside of it. It doesn't fit into my GBA or DS well because of the gap on the side. I've never seen this on any Gameboy game before, they are always enclosed with only the bottom green bit bare to plug into the system.
Has this ever happened to any of you before? What did you do?
P.S. I have emailed Nintendo about it, and am trying to figure out how to tell eBay/if I can tell eBay.
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