Okay, I know how it sounds. You san see lots of pople crying when watching a movie or even a TV show. But what about a video game? We´ve heard about emotional moments before, like saluting the TV in MGS3 ending. But, have you really cryed in a game, one tear or a lot?
I like to plat RPG mainly for the story, usually rich stories that get you emotionally involved with the characters, like movies, sometimes you are holding a grip in the story.
So far, the only games that has made me cry, two tears, not joking, is FINAL FANTASY VII, AERIS DEATH and the whole cinematics ahead, when Cloud is letting her go at the bottom of the lake in forgotten city. :cry: That was a really shocking experience, personally redifined for me what a good story should be.
Sure there are a lot of other games with great moments, FFVIII, FFX, MGS2 and MGS3, but how many games you could saythat made you cry?
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