This will bore some of you, but I'm hoping to connect with some of you who are in my shoes, or have already been in my shoes. Let me start with a little history about myself...
I'm 34 years old, married for 3 years, and my wife and I are having our first kid in a couple of months. I've been gaming since before the age of 10 on the Atari 2600. From then it was on to the NES, Sega Genesis, and then the PS1, PS2, and now the PS3. I've literally been gaming for 25+ years. During those years I would go through phases where I played tons, and then phases where I just played sometimes, but gaming has always been a constant in my life in one way or the other. I know that there are many other mid-30 year olds who have followed this exact same path.
As far as the amount of time I spend gaming per week, I know that I don't come close to the teens and 20 year olds that can put in 30+ hours a week, but I still manage to put in a decent amout of time depending on what I'm playing. I'm very particular about the titles that I buy, and once I start a game I don't play another until I have finished it. When I'm playing a new title, say on a typical weeknight, I usually only manage to get in about 1 or 2 hours of gaming after work, and on a lazy saturday or sunday, I may play for a 3 hour block every now and then. When I got Assassin's Creed last November, I played that game more than my typical schedule because I was so into it and I would get sucked into these longer sessions. Also, I was playing it over Thanksgiving weekend, when I had a lot of time, so I would sit in my office and play AC while my wife watched tv in the bedroom and napped. When I first got Motorstorm, I would play every day, but sometimes only for 1/2 hour or an hour. I would run a few races and put it down, go and eat dinner, come back and run a race, whatever. I got Uncharted for christmas and finished it the first time through in a few days because I was on vacation from work that week and I could play for 3-4 hours a day. Again, it depends on the game that I'm playing and what else I've got going on. Sometimes I finish a game and the next title that I want doesn't come out for a few weeks and I don't play anything for those few weeks. It just depends. I do have other hobbies and interests in my life and it's just not gaming by any means.
My problem is with the fact that in 2 months I'm going to be a father. I do not want to sound like some total jackass that feels like gaming is more important than having a child, and I do not want anyone to think that is what I'm saying. That is absolutley not the case. Having this child is very important to me, but so are my hobbies, gaming included. But everywhere I turn, everyone that I talk to, all I hear is about how I'm never going to have one free second to myself ever again in my life and that having a kid takes away all of your time. So many people have told me that I might as well say goodbye to my "video game" playing because I'm never even going to be able to get a good nights sleep anymore, let alone have time to play games. It's almost like people enjoy telling me that I'm never going to have any more free time and that I'm never going to have time for hobbies anymore. Everything is negative. Now I'm not stupid. I know that it is going to be a huge shock for my wife and I once this baby is born. I know that it is going to consume massive amounts of time and that my life is never going to be the same again. I realize this. But all I'm looking for is someone to tell me that they've gone through this and that it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. If I can manage to get in a couple of nights a week, say for 2 hours, and maybe a saturday or sunday for a couple of hours, I can pull off almost 6-7 hours a week. Most games these days are only about 10-15 hours long, so I could still complete a title in about 2 weeks. But then I'm sure that there will be some weeks when I can't play at all, and I accept that. I accept the fact that it's probably going to take me 4 months to finish the supposed 100 hour GTA4, and that's fine. I accept the fact that later in the year, when RE5, Resistance 2, Tomb Raider Underworld and Motorstorm 2 come out, I may not be able to play them all right away. I may be backlogged with my titles and not get to some of them for a while, but that's fine. As long as I get to play a little each week, that's fine.
Another thing that bothers me is when friends of mine, or people I don't know tell me that a 34 year old man should not be playing video games anymore anyways, once I have a kid. They say that I'm too old for that. People that don't really know about games have no clue. It's something that I've been doing for 25+ years. It's just part of my life. I don't see myself voluntarily stopping anytime soon. Some people work on their classic cars as their hobby, some people read a book every night, well this is what I do.
So basically I'm just looking for some hopefully positive reinforcement or support from other people out there who are in my shoes. Someone who is married, and has a kid, and has a life, and can still sqeeze in a few hours of gaming here and there. And again, I am very happy to be having this child and moving on with this phase of my life so I do not want to sound ungrateful. I just don't want to be forced to give up something that has been a part of my life for sooooo long, and that has brought me uncountable nights of fun, excitement and memories. I have had some amazing gaming experiences over the years that I will remember forever (like almost pooping my pants when the hell hound crashes through the hallway window in RE1) and I know that there are many more to come. I'm just not ready to call it quits yet...
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