I had more fun with the game about mid way into it. You get espers that can give your characters extra points of strength, agility, hp, ect upon level ups. It is a good game, just different.
this, although i remember getting the game when it first came out and i was pretty much hooked. it's pretty basic until you get a bit further into the game (i think 5-6 hours in) and start collecting espers and some other er... things that change up the strategy a little. i always enjoyed it because it was pretty open ended battle wise and there was lots of hidden stuff and side stuff.
I'm a personal believer that if you want to really "get" final fantasy it helps to play them in chronological order, the series makes more sense in that fashion. you take note of the small changes in the different systems and how everything evovled from ff1 to ff13, from the battle system to the story telling and the "extra" stuff that makes it what it is, it all changes a little from game to game and adds new stuff. for the money i'd recommend ff1, ff4, ff6 & ff7 to everyone. i thought ff9 was pretty good but it felt like they sat down and played ff1 - 8 and said "ok mish mash all that up and make it kinda old-school ff with the different classes"
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