Hi! New to the forums.
I am having some difficulty these last few months to find a game to sink my spare time into. I have a certain idea in my head but I have not been able to find any games that quite reach the criteria. I don't even know if I have a set criteria in my head its just an itch I can not scratch.
Basically I am looking for a game with a sense of adventure. The story doesn't even need to be that great as long as u can adventure and explore. You have set goals ... quests I guess, missions maybe? So its not a complete mindless grind for levels or loot. Maybe the missions/quests help you with the exploring I mentioned. Now I know MANY MANY games have this, and I do enjoy them all, but they do not scratch the itch I have. The reason for this is because I am looking for a very particular type of Loot and Crafting system.
I am looking for a game where your crafting of items, weapons and armor is rewarding. They do not really need to be super useful, just rewarding. But I do not want the game to be completely crafting like Minecraft or ARK: Survival Evolved.
I am looking for a game that offers epic loot from chests or monsters. I know this sometimes clashes with the idea of crafting being important but there must be a game where your epic loot is actually FOR your crafting.
For example lets imagine have farmed resources for a few hours and now I have leveled up my Weapon Crafting skill, and as a result I have a pretty sweet Battle Axe. So im killing mobs for some weird guy whos daughter was kidnapped, and the Bandit boss I killed to save her has this really nice shiny Epic Diamond of Gorgonath or some crap. So that is now going to upgrade my crafted weapon even more, or add some Gorgonath Monster ice/fire/death beam onto it or something. Or a new spell ... or stat. Stats are awesome too but not a necessity.
I know most MMORPGs fir alot of my criteria, and I enjoy MMORPGs alot, but I get disheartened when I start to need to rely on other people to progress. I can do my crafting on what not in MMORPGs fine but you get toa point where you can no longer get stronger without the aid of other people, and I am a serious loner in gaming. I spend most of my work day dealing with fools I use gamign to get away from people.
My all time favorite games have been:
World of Warcraft - This nearly suits my criteria. Actually one of my favorite all time games. But I am over it.
All Zelda games - No other adventure games compare.
Skyrim - For its smithing, dungeon delving, loot, and ability to adventure where ever you want.
Elder Scrolls Online - Again for its loot and adventure and smithing.
Final Fantast 8 (loved the junction system)
Pokemon - Gotta catch em all. The collecting and finding new monsters to collect is very intriguing. As well as the leveling of them and getting new abilities etc as you progress. Always something to look forward to.
ARK: Survival Evolved - Again, the adventure and crafting, but it also has the cool collecting thing Pokemon has. Oh man if this game had more depth, some NPCs or quests or something it would be epic.
Witcher 3 - Adventure, and just overall epicness. The crafting is completely lack luster.
Suikoden series - Adventure and story. There is a small collecting thing in your ability to acquire new characters for your army but mainly the story and world.
Fallout 4 - Its basically a post nuclear war Skyrim.
Games I have tried and have been recomended but no really gotten into:
Dragon Age: Origins
Divinity Original Sin
Path of Exile - To be honest I have not played this for more than like 30mins. I should give it more of a go.
Sorry , I know there has been many topics like this but I cant find what I want. It probably doesn't exist, but I thought I'd give it one last attempt in person.
Thank you!
- Jinchu
P.S. Any console is fine. I'll try anything, even small indi games or RPG Maker games if they actually fit criteria.
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