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1 Genesis game (but it's a compilation 3-in-1 so 3 technically)
6 or 7 PSOne games (4 of which are FF games which will take me forever)
Maybe 3 DS games (my son's but I will get to them...)
A bag full of PS2 games, maybe a dozen or more. Actually getting rid of some today that I know I bought just to buy..
At least 4 PS3 games
I know when I get the Sly Cooper, Splinter Cell,Ico/Shadow of the Colossus,Jak & Daxter, and Devil May Cry collections I'm going to be extremely backlogged for the first time in a looooooooong time. I usually only buy one title, finish it, and then get another one to avoid the whole backlog thing, but Ireally want these collections lol:P
A bag full of PS2 games, maybe a dozen or more. Actually getting rid of some today that I know I bought just to buy..
A bag full describes my GB/GBC/GBA situation quite literally. I have freezer bag and a half full of games that I have only tested or played only a little of. I am kind of addicted to finding lots on eBay. Of those maybe a quarter are just junk and a quarter are really good things I have to get to eventually. The rest I just pick up and play from time to time.
All together aside from my Game Boy game buying obsession, I have a pretty big backlog anyway. I'd imagine I own a couple dozen games w/ at least twenty hours of play a piece which I'd like to play.
I've got a ton o backlog, (gues I need more fiber in my diet), but that's because I tend ot sweep resales an other places and pick up things for a rainy day... So I've probably got over 100 games I haven't even cracked yet. At most they have been put in a machine to check playability if the surface is scuffed or the cartridge is cracked...
... But I have a pant-load, for Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, GameCube, PSP, DS, GBA, and Xbox.
They're welcome to **** up the next generation of machines with security crap and outlawed resale games - Strap on the Jack Boots there, So-nutty & Microshvantz, dip your **** in your consumer's mouth, Ninten-don't... I'll just slip backwards and keep on gaming happily, with no online, no DLC, no patches, no Big Brother watching over my shoulder and checking the content of my HDD without my knowledge or permission... Just a man and his controller, the way Jah intended it.
I kind of bought a lot to make up for lost time. I'm not going to count games I decided NOT to finish because because they were fighting/racing/anthology games with infinite things to unlock >_>. Are we ready? Here we go...
Numbers are not totally exact; not in my room now so I'll fix them later xD. Starting from least awful first...
DS - 3 games. Elite Beat Agents, Pokemon HeartGold and Dragon Quest IX. Not worried about any of these. EBA is almost done, I've beaten Gold so I won't get stuck, and DQIX is like crack.
Playstation 1 - 3 games. Spyro 3, Crash 2 and Final Fantasy VII (in the endgame). I have VIII also, but I may not play it and currently my friend is borrowing it.
Nintendo 64 - 4 games. Most games from this gen feel like work to me cos of clunky 3D, but I do wanna finish Banjo Kazooie among a few others.
Gamecube - 8 games. Standouts here are Twilight Princess, Viewtiful Joe and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 (cos I really just want all the levels open to dick around in). I have Metroid Prime 1 and 2 also, but will play them on Wii.
Wii - 7 games. I'm also borrowing Okami, which I guess brings this to 8? Currently playing Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
PSP - 11 games. Persona 3 is what I'm currently working on and am almost finished with. Then it's Crisis Core time. In between I play Xmen Legends 2.
PS2 (oh god) - 25-30+ games. Currently playing Resident Evil 4 with God of War in between. Tempted to get back to Dragon Quest VIII also, but then there's Onimusha, Spartan and Tekken 5 to consider. And the Sly games after 1. I do love all my PS2 games and want to finish them though. With exception of Xenosaga 2 and the Final Fantasies I don't see any of them as work :D.
PC (lawl) - 200+ games. Never gonna finish all of them. I used to trawl through Half Price Books so I got ~50 from there. GOG always has cool stuff. And steam sales are a b*tch. But thankfully all these games are awesome and fulfill my $1-per-hour-of-gameplay rule, so they were worth it. I'm gonna have games to play for years and years to come.
I have the worst backlog of anyone I know. But it's the highest-quality one also ;)
I have to beat Fallout 3 and Oblivion for the 360.
I have to beat Streets of Rage and Golden Axe for the Genesis.
I have to beat Yoshi's Island, Star Fox, SMRPG, and Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World for the SNES.
I just bought DDR: Mario Mix for the GC, and haven't even opened it yet.
GBA-Golden Sun and GS: The Lost Age
PS3: Darksiders, White Knight Chronicles
PoP 2,3, and 4
Ico and SotC
x360: shadows of the damned and Lost Odyssey
PS2: Syphon Filter Omega Strain, Dark Mirro, and Logan's Shadow, Dark Cloud 1 and 2, Beyong Good and Evil (got so far the stopped) alot of other games I never played (been playing some bad games lately like Nanobreaker)
All Resident Evils
All Final Fantasies after 1
All KH
Parasite Eve 1 and 2
All Killzones
All Onimusha after 1
All Assassins Creeds
All Arc the Lads
All Xenosaga/gear games
So many ps1 and ps2 games!
I'm pretty bad, I've pretty much beaten everything I own. However, if I count what I have put on my list of definitely purchasing then I am way under water. Though that actually is a good thing for me when it comes to my current gen systems as the longer I wait the cheaper the games become.
As far as legacy gaming goes, I only have a few games but they're all super long. (Riviera the Promised Land, Yggdra Union, Super Robot Taisen 1 and 2.) This is in addition to DQV and VI on DS... but it's intentional. I don't know if I'm bringing my consoles to college (definitely not first semester) so I'm loading up on handheld games.
And to whomever said it, I agree about "Dragon Quest" being an addictive substance...
... I know, delayed reaction, but I thought I would say that as it has been on my mind!
It is obscenely long, so long that I've actually cut down on buying games recently. It has to be over 50 games long, and thats just games that I want to play at the moment.
I have, and this is an exact number, 116 games across PC, 360, PS3, Wii and Wii Virtual Console that I've yet to finish. I've played them all to a certain extent.
I'm working my way up with some SNES and NES classics I got on the VC -- currently, A Link to the Past, FF VI and Chrono Trigger.
I don't own any of my past consoles games because I tend to sell everything and regret later. Backlogging I bought some PS1 games from PSN and some GB games from the 3DS shop, along with the Ambassador games, that's the only retro gaming I have.
I would love to play many SNES, N64, PS2 games I miss
It's increasing exponentially... stupid League of Legends... takes up all my time that should be spent playing single player games. Oh well, summer is coming up and I know I will loads of time then.
A bag full of PS2 games, maybe a dozen or more. Actually getting rid of some today that I know I bought just to buy..
A bag full describes my GB/GBC/GBA situation quite literally. I have freezer bag and a half full of games that I have only tested or played only a little of. I am kind of addicted to finding lots on eBay. Of those maybe a quarter are just junk and a quarter are really good things I have to get to eventually. The rest I just pick up and play from time to time.
All together aside from my Game Boy game buying obsession, I have a pretty big backlog anyway. I'd imagine I own a couple dozen games w/ at least twenty hours of play a piece which I'd like to play.
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