I, like you, am also very hesitant to buy used games, because of scratches.
I worked at Gamestop for a year and nine months, and have seen my fair share of horrendous discs. And you and everyone else should be extremely hesitant when buying used games that have scratches. Here is why.
During my time at Gamestop, I learned many things. One important thing I learned is that used games are the games that are pushed, and you and everyone else probably knows this. The thing most people do not know is that most employees, at least the ones I have encountered, care less what kind of condition the games are in. If a game does not meet the employees approval, condition wise, the employee takes a few bucks off of the trade in value so the game can be refurbished. Some employees I have encountered can care less what shape the disc is in, and they take everything they see. Mostly because at Gamestop, a employees performance is based on many factors, including the percentage of transactions that were trade ins.
So here is a scenario, a customer comes in wanting to trade in a butt load of games for store credit. The employee looks at the games, and informs the customer that this amount of money has to be taken off of the games because they are scratched and have to be refurbished. Now, the customer is already getting next to nothing for his or her trades, and is now getting even more taken off of his or her trades. So, the customer says no thanks and takes the games back. The store just lost some trades. So, the next time the employee gets trades, he or she will be very lenient on the condition of games, so their trade in stats will be good.
So, what are the scratches you should look for. The big one is circular scratches. If you ever saw a 360 game eaten by a 360, the scratch is usually a perfect 360 degree circle. Never by anything with circular scratches. My old manager taught me this next one. He was very anal about used games and only bought them if they met his expectations. He told me to take my fingernail and drag it over any scratch I saw. If I felt my fingernail go inside of the scratch and come back out, the scratch was to deep and would cause problems at a certain point in the game.
In the end, you always have a warranty on used games, so you can always bring them back if they crap out. And ultimately, it is up to you if you want to purchase it or not. If it does not meet your standards just pass. there is always another copy out there.
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