And Super Mario Bros. had INSANE replay value, because it forced you to replay everything you had already done every time you ran out of lives. It was definitely a bad way of increasing the life of the game, but it worked... and a lot of developers these days are so quick to hold the player's hand and help them through everything, that punishing players for making a single mistake is almost unheard of. Its why people complain about the save system and time limit in Dead Rising 1/2... they are too used to be helped through everything and get frustrated when they get punished for messing up. It just goes to show how many people actually grew up during the NES/SNES era and had to practice levels over and over and over again until they were actually able to beat them.
I grew up playing Super Mario 1 and 3. That said, unforgiving gameplay isn't the mark of "quality" game design. It always has been, and always will be, a cheap tactic to artificially increase game length. Whether or not you actually enjoy that type of gameplay is completely up to you, but let's not pretend that it's something it is not.
I wouldn't call Super Mario Brother's 1 or 3 "cheap". They were well put together and nicely challanging. They didn't need to have one difficulty where all the platforms were connected and everything died when you ran into it and Bowser wouldn't move at all in the final stage. And they didn't have one where all the platforms were invisible and you had to jump from memory alone and you had to beat the ship bosses from hitting them on the bottum every time they jumped. It was just the right difficulty perfectly set and allowing you to enjoy the game all the way through. I'd say it's a hallmark of quality most devs forgot in a need to extend gameplay and appeal to as many people as possible.Excuse me, I didn't explain myself properly.
By "unforgiving gameplay," I mean "Moderately difficult gameplay, punctuated by the requirement of starting the game over from level 1 if you died too many times."
Forcing a player to replay stages already cleared is what artificially increases game length.
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