I live in the UK. Everybody has a cellphone.I have 6.
13 years ago nobody had them except business types. Yet in such little time there are more cellphones in the UK then there are next gen consoles in the world.
Obvisouly this is down to a major turning point, which, many in the industry put down to pay as you go phones but alot also put down to the option of "free phone" with a 12 month contract. Apple have also jumped on that bandwagon.
Why does this only have to apply for phones?
Lets apply that same technique to games consoles:
a free xbox 360, free xbox live for 1 year, 1 free live arcade game a month...cost £20 per month. Is there anyone who thinks that is not good? The bennefits would be great for MS also...more money to be spent on games initially which means more money to MS, everyone goes on xbox live with a free sud so everybody is a potential customer for downloadable content, console sales would be massive due to the nature of impulse buyers (trust me the cellphone industry thrives on them).
It is my prediction that the first console manufacturer to apply this business model will win hands down. It would require such massive start up capital though (PRe manufacturing of stock with only 10% of normal return in first month) that only microsoft could afford to pull it off.
If you ask me that is the best way to ensure a console in every home, online and ready to purchase online content!
and for those who dont like it...purchase it the normal way!
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