In good/bad ways.
For me gaming has been a use to relieve alot of stress, and has also brought me happiness for being able to play a video game is my ultimate f u to to the government for making us do things that are stupid like finish high school and be an active member in society. It is the ultimate escape and freedom and comfort to be able to play a video game. It is always fun and in depth. By far I would rather live in a video game than live in this world. In fact it has changed my perspective on life so much that i want to take computer programming in college as an elective just to have the background to create from the heart and soulful, meaningful and purposeful video games. The stories provided by a video game are much more interesting than the stories in books and is more interactive. I think the world hasn't seen video games in the same perspective they would a book or the news, or education. I wan to push the movement of where video games can be a new book in your classroom and you can study off of them. I mean video games are not only entertaining, they are also meaningful and educational when under the influence of depth. What is your perspective on video games. and do you share this idea about video games?
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