Having confidence to clearly say i have proper experience towards the topic of gaming as a whole, i still consider several things concerning from the time of simple gaming and ill explain.
Does anyone remember the joy of going to the local gaming hobby store and purchasing a game and being able to know that you spent your money and you can sit down and just game your heart out and not to worry about any other expense.
These memories always get brought to my head once i purchase a new crate on Halo or any other modern sort and that thought always troubles me the excessive pressure to throw your wallet to developers once you already have purchased the title.
I do understand that graphics change throughout generations and years to come but cant the triple A titles manage to see another way then begging kids and those with more of an open wallet. Those who cant get the new Speed or more health power up have the idea that they bought a game just to keep paying. Is all this even morally acceptable?
Have we overlooked the memories of couch co-op and how you'd play with the same level of advantage as of your friend.
Has gaming gotten better behind the graphics and new consoles, better question are you happy?
The title was presented before topic was lead to others.
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