Alright, so I came to the United States in 2000 when I was 10 (which means im 20 now) and before that in my country, I had a pentium one and played bootleg PC games like 12-in-1 star wars games.. stuff like that. I also learned MS-DOS by myself lol (now i forgot everthing about it like the commands etc.)
anyway, I came here and my first games here were the PC port of Tomb Raider and Sonic 3 (the platformer). Then like in august of 2000, I learned of online gaming and what it is. I also learned that there was a game in the star wars cd i had, that can be played online. the game was Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2. the problem was, was that i couldnt get online since it was bootleg, so i bought one from compusa for like $15 i think and played online via MSN gaming zone! :D
interesting enough, i loved playing online that chatting with other players helped me improve my english. my parents were rarely home since they're diplomats so i was like pretty much a loner haha. after school i would go home and play. every single day until the end of junior high. when a new fps comes out, i would buy it; yes i was spoiled.
i played soldier of fortune 2 double helix, thief series, jedi outcast, call of duty (1st one), battlefield 1942.. anyway yeah.
also i forgot to mention that i learned about computer hardwares because i learned about how having more RAM and a better video card can imiprove the performance of your games. i built my first computer in 2005 for Half life 2, it felt like an amazing accomplishment.
also since i played so much war fps, it got me really interested in war history so i ended up watching the History Channel a lot when i was 12-16.
fast forwarda little, and when the idea of college came up in high school; i thought of majoring in history. but my parents were like, what can you do as a historian? just because you watch a lot of history channel doesnt mean you know history xD
so anyway, they chose a major for me and now i major in Finance in a B-level college in new is sooo boring. the school i go to wants their students to get into wall street so all i learn in school are things on investment banking, sales and trading, investment management, stuff like that.
then came my first internship. it was with The Weinstein Company, its a film distributor and production company (they made scary movie 3,4, date movie, inglourious b@sterds and the reader etc..) and i loved it!. so i was like hmm maybe i should do film finance. but then i figured; you know what? if finance can be applied to films maybe i can perhaps go into video-game finance. so i thought about it bla bla bla, and after a couple of networking, sometime early december i will be having lunch with the CFO of nintendo.
i really hope my dream career becomes a reality :)
ugh writing this makes me feel so nostalgic..
so anyway how has gaming changed your life?
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