I have been pondering about this subject for a very long time, but recently it made me wonder even more. Destiny and Shadow of Mordor have been the complete opposite when it comes to hype. Shadow of Mordor has reilied on the word of mouth and just showing off the game rather than big TV commercials that Destiny has had.
Destiny has been in the spotlight since Sony revealed the PS4. Everyone knew that this was Bungie teaming up with Activision. It was going to be a big game in the industry. Shadow of Mordor had more of a discreet reveal where they released videos online and had the big reveal on E3.
Because Destiny has been on everyone's mind, people might have thought that it was something different than it was. People played the alpha and the beta knew what kind of game they were playing and were surprised when it was the same when it was released? All the reviews, in my humble opinion seem not to get what the game really is. MMO's get away with mundane tasks when you are level up and give you a deeper experience when you are done leveling.
People are acting like this is the exact same game as Halo, instead of for taking it what it is. That's what people have done more so with Shadow of Mordor. It's a great game so far from what i have played, and it deserves the recognition. But would it have gotten the praise if it had the same hype as Destiny. I personally don't think so.
Hype can kill of a game when it comes to enjoying a game and these are just two examples that i think got a different treatment just because of it. I don't know if i am just rambling on, but i think that some games are just getting an unfair treatment because of expectations that make the game to something that it isn't
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