I do not know if this question has been answered but How many games do you buy monthly or even yearly?
To me I can only see how pirated games are making their way. $60 is expensive amount for games, and there is also a lot of good games
Think like this: Bully, Halo3, Call of Duty, mass effect, GTA, Bioshock, Assassin Creed, multiply those small amount of games by $60, you already paid over the price of 360, but those are small amount there is tons of games out there that are great for 360 like Vritua Fighter , gears of war.
Now imagine if you had a wii too
Metroid, Mario galaxy, mario cart, zelda, no more heroes, super smash.....the list goes on
Soon your wallet will burn a whole the size of a nuclear bomb, So do you really spend that much into games?
Only now Do I realize why do people tend to play and modify their consoles to pirated games. simply most people can't afford it,
the developers are asking too much of a price I know they work long and hard for it, but I also think that not every game had same
amount of hard work put into it(I swear GTA 4 had more work to it than mario kart for example)
So do you see this worth it? Do you buy all those great games? Do you play pirated games illegaly?
Do you have a smart way to get more for your money?
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