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ya i have a friend that swears by halo and calls bioshock gay I mean its just defensive. They are good at one game so they dont want to try new tihngs. I found my self in this situation once. I got really good at madden and my friend told me that 2k5 was better but i didnt even want to try it. He brought it over to my house and i loved it.
So my suggestion is just bring it over to his house and see what he thinks. Though ive never play half life, im sure he will be wowed by it
There's an old saying: 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' Applying to video game lingo would be not much different: 'Don't judge a video game by its cover.' Gotta experience it first then judge it, same goes for a console.
honestly going back to half life at this time is impossible. First person shooters have evolved so much since then, often from concepts they ripped off from that game, however I have never had a game give me motion sickness as bad as that. In fact ever since playing the first HL I have mostly ignored the genre, although a while back I tried to play it again and got sick again.
I just can't understand this kind of attitude. Just because one likes something, doesn't mean that one has to bash all competing products. I liked both Halo and Half Life. I thought Halo had much better fights, while I consider HL2's level design and atmosphere peerless.
Maybe im misinterpreting... but he rips on the xbox and loves halo? That's like ripping on the wii and hating mario...
Anyway, I agree with the first poster... do not say it is better then another game. Believe it or not, that will make it less likely to play it (this is just my personal theory). He will get defensive about his favorite game, and try to act his best to not like the game you want him to like just to spite you. Say that half-life would be something he would like or something...
Then you should show him some videos on youtube... or better yet, let him watch you play (preferably late in the game in a huge firefight) and let him play (easy). If that doesn't work, its his opinion.
By the way, is the 360 version of Half-life good? I own a pc and 360, but am leaning towards the pc version of half-life because I am used to it... so does half-life control good on the 360?
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