I'm a 14 year-old girl and since I was in kindergarten I loved Gaming. Especially in the last 2 years I started playing more games. The problem is, everytime I want to buy a new videogame, I have to ask first my mom and then my dad for permission to do so. If I would have to just ask my dad, that wouldn't be much of a problem, but my mom is convinced, that I'll spend even more time on my PC than before, if I buy more games. (Which is not true, I'll just spend the time on my Pc differently) I think her concerns come from my social life, not school, since I only have A's and sometimes B's, and that's not going to change just because of videogames. I have three good friends, but we don't hang out much, mostly we talk over Skype or Whats App and in school. And besides, I don't spend that much time on my PC, I read ALOT and I make music with guitar, piano, etc., too.
She could also think like that, because I'm female and gaming isn't really a 'feminine' thing to do.
My mom always ends our argument with the statement "Go meet up with different people, you'll like it.", which always confuses me. My mom usually knows me really well, so she should know that I'm an extreme introvert and making new friends is nearly impossible for me. I can talk to people, but there's a certain line, that I can't cross, like hanging out outside from school.
Also, videogames are really fun for me and I honestly couldn't live without them, it allows me to be a different person than I really am, and I consider videogames an interactive art form.
Next year I'm going to a programming class and my mother thinks I'll spend EVEN MORE time on my PC. She always says things like "Oh, that's the reason you want to take computer classes", but I think she only does to mock me. Not really sure, though.
How could I tell her all of my thoughts so she'll understand?
Sorry for any mistakes, I'm from Austria and English is not my first language.
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