[QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] It was rushed, but you are right in a way that the creator was a perfectonist and took too long on it. It had too many ideas and when it was rushed, couldn't impliment them well. Both the games creator and the executives were at fault for this. Disc 2 had the worst pacing I have ever seen in an RPG... It is still a good RPG, mid tier to top tier, but it is far from the greatest JRPG ever. Many JRPGs have better executed narratives and better gameplay.texasgoldrush
You know, for a "love-it-or-hate-it-game" it sure has a skewed proportion of love to hate. 83% love it.
Here is an example of love it or hate it http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/review/199365.html See, you have scores of 5 or below along with your 9s and 10s....."love it or hate it" doesn't mean 50-50, it just means thata significant amount of people don't like it.Here's Final Fantasy VI, your so called universally loved game. A 6/10, a 6/10, and a 3/10? My goodness it must not be that great of a game because some people don't like it.
Or maybe, just maybe, Final Fantasy VI is an excellent game despite lower scores? People who don't like it? Xenogears gets a lot of love for doing exactly what you dislike it for. It has depth. Lot's of depth. And that's what makes it to the top of people's lists. Sure, there are the people who are mad because Xenogears isn't a good enough fighting game or because it has "too much depth," but those aren't really valid opinions in the first place.
Out of the very few reviews that scored below 7/10 for Xenogears (or even 8/10 for that matter) the majority of the criticism wasn't justified. "The cutscenes are too long" and "the game is too long" somehow brought the game down several points, because the reviewer couldn't be bothered to sit through the story. And one commented on how there was "barely any story" at all! ... What? People who have brains like Xenogears. If you can't sit down and read a book you probably can't play Xenogears, but that doesn't mean that it's Xenogears' fault you have the attention span of a chipmunk.
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