The standout RPGs I've played lately are:
Dragon's Dogma: yes, there is a lot of walking, but I found the combat to be amongst the best I've played in a recent RPG. It's a nice blend of western and japanese role playing (the stylistic moves of the combat show the japanese influence, which makes sense since it's a Capcom game and I believe one of the lead designers of Devil May Cry was involved in Dragon's Dogma). However, due to a lack of fast travel (there's some towards the end but not much) there is a lot of walking back and forth, but the monsters are fun to fight and the night cycle actually matters since the game becomes more difficult when stronger enemies come out at night.
Dark Souls: If you have a PS3 I'd say try Demon's Souls first, as I found it to be a better game (I like to use ranged combat and ranged magic, which isn't nearly as user friendly in the Dark Souls). The combat is more strategic in these games, as you will die easily and the weapons and armor have distinct weight to them. Though, as an introduction to RPGs it may not be the best choice.
Mass Effect series: If you like sci-fi then this is an easy choice, just know the actual RPG elements become more limited as the series goes on.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Now, this is disputable, as it has guns rather than swords, but hear me out. It has branching level trees and decisions that have an impact on the game world, so it really has the same amount of RPG that Mass Effect or Skyrim does. Really, I'd highly suggest this game, as trying to get as much XP by using stealth is a fun challenge and if you want the combat is pretty solid.
I've also heard that Persona 4 is a good way to get into RPGs. I've been debating whether or not to get if for my Vita (I believe it is also available via the playstation network store and of course used for PS2), and after making a thread about it people seem to say it is a good JRPG for people who aren't big fans of JRPGs.
An easy one to get into is Fable 2, and it's really cheap so it won't be a big loss if you don't like it.
Kingdoms of Amalur is known for its combat, but honestly, I thought it was boring and felt like a bad version of Fable (probably due to the artstyle).
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