I have only dabbled lightly in it and when i say lightly...i mean a pong clone lightly.
The big thing (The TL;DR) is to keep your expectations in check starting out. Remember that modern big games are made by 100s of people and cost 10s, if not 100s of millions of dollars to produce. Starting out, try just to focus on learning the basics.
remember that games are not just programming (well ok some can certainly be). its programming, art assets, sound, models, animations and so on.
If there a specific facet of making a game that interests you? the programming? the art? just putting it all together to make a game?
Focus on that facet first and look for an appropriate tool.
If you want to program but don't want to start from scratch (because game engine programming is a completely different animal) then look to engines/tools like Unity, Godot and unreal. All have tutorials online to get you started. I messed around with godot a bit and the basic tutorial assumes you know very little programming. The way it manages stuff can seem a bit odd at first though.
The loops, conditional statements, variables and so on are absolutely critical knowledge though for any programming....including games programming. Languages wise, C and C# are good places to look. c++ is the industry standard but tougher (though starting out it's not bad and there are tutorials galore). don't get too hung up on the language though: the most important thing is the underlying logic and understanding the building blocks of a program. if you use one of the above engines it will have its own scripting language too.
3D modeling: Blender. that's all i know about 3D modelling. it's free too.
Textures: The gimp. or paint. or paint.net. i don't dabble much in the asset area of games development admittedly (pong doesn't need textures :P).
if you just want to make some games fairly quick and play around with developing the gameplay itself then something like Game Maker may be up your alley. It's been an age since i used it but it does a lot to hide the tricker bits of games development if i remember correctly. you can go from 0 to 2D side scroller pretty quickly.
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