Depends of the game and research actually. A game like ArmA is a sim. When you do play that game for a long time you come to know even the dictionary that the army use. Some server are mostly veterans or people already in the army. Some does even play this game with TrackIR 5. You really have to know a lot's of real tactic to make a good use of it. Even some games like Rainbow Six could require some real tactic for clearing room. This can applied in real life and are really close to the real tactics.
I have friends that I can play with them that way in game. In a long term you start to have better communication. That is the most important thing to have also in real life. If you can't communicate well, than the probability you survive is low. The rule of communication, I do have adopted something that looks like this. Alert, orient, describe, expound... An example would be something like :"Contact,North-East,medical officer,patrolling the road, 400 meters."
Planning is also a big part when you play. The better the planning, the easier the job will be. If you know exactly what each one have to do. There's gonna be a short amount of time thinking in the field. There's gonna be less mistakes also. A plan is without a doubt one thing you can't go without.
Terrain and Weather. If you do use the terrain and weather to your advantage. The chance you survive in a firefight does increase by a lot's. If you walk without worrying about cover and concealment, the chance you get spotted is much more higher. The chance you get fired and being miss are way much smaller also. Weather can also play a role. Use things like fogs, night to your advantage depending on the operation could benefit in some case. There's always an easier roads someone can take when they learn to use terrain and weather.
Learning about weapons could also make you do less mistakes. Engaging an enemy at 200m with an mp5 would just be really stupid when you know the maximum effective range is somewhat like 100m and your max range is 150m. Learning what cartridge can be useful also. Rates of fire and muzzle velocity are also things someone should know before firing the gun. Learning to use scope could also benefit a lot's for weapons who have them. You should know how to adjust it before using it. Nope, scope are not always perfectly adjusted. They are in games, but not in real life. In ArmA with the Ace mod, it is possible to adjust it. There's nothing better than taking a sniper and shooting guys really far away that could have caused you trouble later.
In general, Some simulation games could really help in the field. It could not teach you everything, but there's probably a big amount of stuffs that can be learned. Holding a weapon and shooting is only one part of a training. Most people even in the army don't shoot their weapons a lot's before being send in mission imo.
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