I remember I always thought the whole HP bar was a little unrealistic, and then I played CoD2 and I thought the health system was pretty good (not 100% realistic, but it was an ok system) such as simply getting scratched by a bunch of bullets won't do as much damage, but 1 direct hit will put you in some real danger, so you better get to cover and fight through the pain. Other games like this are GoW and RS: Vegas. (I think vegas is the one that did the best with the system)
I remember when I was playing MGS3, that it had the new "heal your own bullet wounds" system, but I always found it funny because snake would get alot of hits in the groin and the head, and I thought to myself "I know snakes a badass, but he doesn't have painkillers or anything, how in the hell would he be able to get a bullet out with his knife, if it's lodged in his brain, and his groin! (*OW*) ?" the damage system for enemies in MGS3 was better than Snakes damage system, if you shot a guy in the arm, he would fire his weapon with one hand, if you shot them in the groin, he'd cup himself and drop dead, and if you shot them in the leg, or the knee, they'd start limping. So if a groin shot and head shot kills and enemy in one hit, why not Snake?
Then I found the answer....SNAKE HAS A HEALTH BAR!!! If his HP isn't down, then he has nothing to worry about! he can keep on fightin'! Bullet in the groin or not.
So I ask you, do you think that pretty much all games should get rid of the "health bar and health kits,food,painkillers etc." and should they just replace it with regenerating health, or keep the traditional HP bar? or both perhaps....
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