Ye I know that boss is easy compared ot the others but I jsut died a couple times and got annoyed- i got it to like 10% health and then died. Firebombs, a good idea. No I hadnt tried. Its not that the boss is hard I was just already at my wits end from being in the stupid basin before it with those metal golems all week.
Ah how I am looking forward to a nice relaxing session of Banished to unwind after this torment.
I play games to relieve me from my depressing life but this SOB despresses me more. Im starting to dread playing it again still havent quite brought myself to uninstallign it yet tho. Will things get better as I level up or will it get more frustrating? I am kind of terrified how much harder it will be later on. I might not even sleep well tonight because of it.
I just thought of what it is like- it's like those horse hair undergarmets the religious acestics of the middle ages would wear- the punishment is the 'reward for your faith'.
I could see how this would be fun if you could have a laugh about it with all your friends and swap stories about it. Too bad Im a recluse with no friends.
The game was very managable up to this point but that basin really sucked the soul out of me (no pun intended). Maybe that is why it is called dakr souls cos it turns you into a burned out husk form playing it. Boy if I could get my hands on the developer of this game.
I do see how tactics can relaly hlep you tho. Like the gargoyles i thought would be impossible until I read online how you could summon that dude, then is was super easy. But i am getting quite scared that this game is going to push my already fragile mental state over the edge. The opposite of why I play computer games. It fels like one of those abusive relationships now that everyone says you should leave but you cant pluck up the courage to do.
It has me bullied into subservience.
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