Is it just me or is this franchise failed to evolve one whit since MGS2 on the PS2? I was so looking forward to this launch as the first big game of the year (and least to me) on my powerful new gaming rig that I got for Christmas. Unfortunately this glitch filled button mashing throwback to game design circa 2001 hasn't kept pace with gaming trends or just good gaming practices in general. A horrible story, with characters that continue to be caricatures, and one of the most hated gaming characters of all time makes his return as a feminine looking cyborg samurai in high heels! What's worse, about twenty minutes into the game I get hit with a big invisible wall! This is 2014 - invisible walls that appear for a boss battle and then magically disappear once the battle is defeated have no place in gaming! At the very least they should be described within the context of the game... I mean why didn't Raiden say - "Holy fcuk, there was a giant invisible wall here and now it's gone... somebody look into it!".
Unlike with my prior post on Zelda, I'm not ready to give up on Metal Gear - I have a long history with the franchise and played every game (in the MGS series in any case) going back to the PSone. Kojima and Japanese game developers need to evolve with the times though. This ain't the 90's.
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