Hello! I just couldn't wait, I just had a dream! About a game! that I would very much like to see.
There is, well, I don't think there is a single game out there where I think the combat system suits me, (except for magicka!) there's just always something missing. I'm a big fan of magic and stuff in games so... I long to see a good take on that.
Anyways, to the point. I just had a dream, woke up a few minutes ago. The game had Dark Souls-esque graphics, and it played a lot like it too. It's a third person sandbox RPG. At first I was bored with my own dream, but then I saw the inventory. The inventory had 4 slots, above all of the standard equipment slots, then three more smaller slots under those.
The 4 slots held four amulet-looking things, some kind of jewlery, all with a different colour. I saw the cursor move to the amulets, and as it was on them, it displayed a name for each one. Attument Amulet: Magic. Attunment Amulet: Strenght. etc etc.
I was intrigued.
The player went back to running around, and he eventually came to a few mobs, they were those kinds of annoying, small, fast, tightly packed kind of mobs. He sneaked up to them, then he brought up a small menu that paused the game world.
He chose, Magic/Strenght.
His spellset changed and he used one of them which made fire and thunder and rocks rain down above the group of enemies, quickly destroying them.
I'm just going to jump to the point; I made a system for a game that I would very much like to see.
Attunement Amulets: Magic, Strenght, Dexterity, Ranged
Sub categories: Stealth, Resolve, Brutality
Magic: firebolts, chain lightning, freezeray, gravity singularity etc etc
Strenght: Heavy melee weapons, heavy weapons in general, use of heavy tools and mechanics
Dexterity: Small weapons, fast weapons, thiefing, criticals
Ranged: Long range weapons, mid range weapons, bows, guns, artillery, marksmanship
Magic + Strenght: Boulder blasts, gravity crush, telekinesis, enviroment manipulation
Magic + Dexterity: Ghastly blades, flurry of cuts, teleportation, charms
Magic + Ranged: Long range blasts, explosives, hexes, crowd control, long range storms
Strenght + Magic: Rock fists, thunderfists, enchanting weapons, executions, top tier weight weapons
Strenght + Dexterity: Duelists, lifesteal, deaths embrace (less hp = more power), battlecasts
Strenght + Ranged: Heavy ranged weapons, cannons, balistas, throw rocks and enemies, hard hitting range
Dexterity + Magic: cursed blades, saps, million cuts, tornado, speed buffs
Dexterity + Strenght: Fists, unarmed combat, buffs, inert resilience
Dexterity + Ranged: Small ranged weapons such as pistols, crossbows etc, dual weilding
Ranged + Magic: Enhanced arrows, magic bullets, homing shots, snipes
Ranged + Strenght: long range bows, throwing weapons, bombs, explosives
Ranged + Dexterity: dual weilding, hybrid melee ranged weapons
Magic/Stealth: magic traps
Strenght/Stealth: adrenaline buff (if seen in stealth, short damage boost but defence debuff)
Dexterity/Stealth: ghost buff (almost completely undetectable for a medium amount of time)
Magic/Resolve: magic armors
Strenght/Resolve: major defensive passive buff
Dexterity/Resolve: major charisma passive buff
Magic/Brutality: major damage passive buff (includes more brutal looking effects and sounds)
Strenght/Brutality: Berserker (extreme damage buff & defence debuff, more brutal looking effects and sounds)
Dexterity/Brutality: passive attackspeed buff + higher chance of executing (+ brutal effects & sounds)
I would very, VERY much like to see this kind of system in a game sometime. Feel free to use it if any game-makers stumble upon this thread. I think it could be quite cool for an RPG.
It's just an idea, but it seemed cool at the time. Please leave input, telling me if it's a brilliant idea, or if it's absulte shite. :D
Good day on you all.
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