so i would like to ask all of your opinons on something...I have no idea what I should buy - the PS3 or the Wii
Both have a lot of games I want, and both are pretty cool.
Positives : Zelda! Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time on same system, not to mention wind waker! Also, it has potential to be really cool. and - MORE ZELDA...but in like a billion years.
Negatives : Small game list. only about 7 (tops) i would buy at this point, and for the future, there really isn't anything on the horizon i'm looking forward too.
PS3 :
Positives : Lots of games, especially FFXIII and LittleBigPlanet. Also MGS4 and others. Tons of potential, and bluray! Lots of games coming up.
Negatives : So damn expensive. Hard drive is a major issue (ie games take up too much space) and NO BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY! so thats lame.
opinions? thoughts?
as i said, i need help!
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