I wish i had recorded it and put it on youtube cause it would have went viral. Anyway, she did pretty good for playing a FPS for the first time.
Anyhow, here are some of the things she said and did while playing for an hour.
1) She got downed and i told her if she would get someone then she would automatically revive. Well eailer she shot a barrel and made the enemies go down which she was proud of and said i need to find more of those. Anyhow when she was down there was enemies surrounding her and she shot up an exloding barrel and brought down an enemy and when she revied she said, " I just had to do it daddy, i Just had to do it. Thats what they get." It was funny also, after she shot up the barrel she just set the controller down waiting for it to explode as if that was it lol. She knew it was going to blow and take out some baddies so i guess she was like, nuff said take that i'm done. So i had to tell her pick up the controller there more! :P
2) Shes a total looting freak, Everytime we entered a new building she would say "hold on daddy we got to find stuff i need money." And when we go up to two crates she would yell, "DONT TAKE THEM BOTH YOU NEED TO SHARE."
3) We fought that boss while escorting the claptrap, the one that has gernades and he keep taking it to us, and she would say " I really hate that guy daddy" And "Forget it, i'm just hiding behind this thing, thats it i'm so made." ANd every time i got downed by him she would say " Are you made at him daddy? I really don't like this guy i just want to play legos (Indian Jones, its also a two player co-op)"
4) I started shooting those flying bird things and she said " STOP DAD your making them mad at us"
5) She was playing the siren and she discovered her melee ability and called it a lighting shock so she said "Loook daddy, she has lighting bolts i'm going to use this on the bad guys" She then ran up to the mobs trying to "shock them to oblivion"
6) When the clap trap was running around blind she couldn't stop laughing at him and ask " How does he know where hes going if he cant see? Is it cause of the trasmiter on his head? Or is it cause he's been through here so many times that he just know where to go?"
7) There were times when she was getting over run and she would yell at me and say "i need help over here what are you doing!"
8) She ramble many other cute things while we played that i cant remember them all cause she was a non stop chatter box the whole time it was so dam cute.
9) And there were times when the "bad guys" seemed to be running away from her, and she'd get mad and say "Hey come back here! what are you afraid stop running you chicken." And she said it with such sinerity and a sense of competiveness that i couldn't help but laugh. :)
My daughter loves games, she playes a ton of DS games and has her own house building sim on Face Book that she does quest on, buildes and decorate rooms and so forth. And now she can actually play a FPS and get in on the grind like a pro. Also, when we play Indiana Jones she figures out most of the puzzels to advance even before i do. Some of the things she can do like using a computer and piecing together puzzles on games at the age of 7 seems pretty immpressive to me. Maybe its just cause i'm a dad and am proud of whatever my own kid does but whats the best thing of it all is her personality beyhind it.
Anyone else game with their really young kids and have stories to tell?
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