This thread is for honest Call of Duty players. If you're not, well...
So... do you remember in Call of Duty 4 when people used cage matches to boost their level by cheating? If you don't: what they did was entering a cage match (1 vs 1) and ask the opponent to cheat by taking turns at killing each other for easy points. The only "problem" was finding someone willing to do this but believe me, there was plenty of people doing it. I say 70-80% of the people playing cage matches did so for the sole purpose of cheating.
To prevent this, Treyarch cut off cage matches from CoD WaW, which was sad, because it's a fun mode. Now, you'd hope that with Modern Warfare 2 Infinity Ward managed to devise a way to make cheating impossible, but no, the situation has gotten worse.
Did you ever notice, when playing free for all, a player getting killed every two seconds by another one? Well, basically what they do is this: a player enters a free for all lobby and invites the other one, then they sit in some out of sight nook with tactical insertions and they take tuns at killing each other.
Why did IW make this possible? Why can people invite friends in free for all matches? I seriously think they did it on purpose. Add to this the cage match glitch that allows you to join a friend from the dashboard and you'll get the picture.
Why create a level based game if you're going to provide easy ways to work around it by cheating?! I swear, I was playing a match and 4 people out of 8 were doing the trick. half the server was minding their business instead of playing the game!
Are you annoyed? I am annoyed.
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