I've always been a fan of Survival Horror video games, I mean I've played everything from the Resident Evil series to the Silent Hill series to the Fatal Frame series (plus many more such as Siren and Haunting Ground). I used to really enjoy the Silent Hill series until Silent Hill Homecoming came out, and after that I just kind of lost interest in the series because it seemed like every new game that came out was crap. When Silent Hill Downpour came out I pretty much ignored all of the news about it because I figured it would be another crappy game like Homecoming was, but my friend asked me if I wanted his copy of Silent Hill Downpour and since the only true horror game I owned for the PS3 was my imported copy of Siren Blood Curse I figured I'd take him up on his offer on the off chance that Downpour might actually be a decent horror game.
I've been playing this game for days now and I'm actually happy with how this game turned out. It doesn't feel quite the same as the classic Silent Hill games, but it actually feels scary. It's like it's own type of unique horror game which I think is a good thing. The environments are unsettling and the monsters are pretty disturbing, plus the story and the characters all feel like they were well-written. I actually found myself feeling nervous about entering certain rooms or having to fight some of the monsters. Of course the gameplay takes a little getting used to at first, I can't tell you how many times I've lost a good weapon because I accidentally threw it. But it's not so bad once you get used to the controls.
Anyways for anyone who actually likes scary stuff I highly recommend this game. :)
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