Naturally, growning up.... People played games locally, in the same room, there was no such thing as online gaming.... You know.... On consoles.
10 years went by and technology improved and people grew accustom to playing alone... It actually became cool to play online...... So one day.... I was at Adam's house and he's wanted to try out playing President Evil 5 for the 1st time and he wanted me there to support him..... thats just how how used to do things back when we played on my PC.... Just took turns supporting eachother... I called it Vicarious Interactive Entertainment.
Anyway I accidentally sat on his 2nd controller and fate guided my butt cheeks to the start button...... Then the screen went Black......the game went back to the inventory screen but it looked different somehow..... And thats when it occurred to us..... SPLIT SCREEN CO-OP ! :D the next 7 hours was absolutely profound..... I connected with Adam in a way I've never connected with anyone before, we laughed together, got scared together, got angry together, got frustrated together, triumphed together ! etc. We bonded ! It was fucking BROMANTIC !Thats the Power Of Co-op. I later bough President Evil 5 for my self plus the DLC.... I then neglected to play it for 4 months because Adam wasn't around at the time, I never so much as glanced at that DLC untill Adam came and we played it together.... It was Awesome !
I wanna up the ante next time with 4 player couch co-op just as soon as I get a Nintendo !
Co-Op is just the best way for me to connect with someone when I'm not sober. :p
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