Ok, so I'm interested in buying an N64 from Amazon because I can get one for 30-40 dollars. There are a lot of peripherals though, and I'm kind of overwhelmed on what is absolutely necessary for the games I want to play. Here is a list of the ones I think I should get:
- Goldeneye (I have a friend with 2 copies so this is for sure)
- Super Mario 64 (I have the DS version but can't stand controls. Should I buy this?)
- Perfect Dark
- Donkey Kong 64
- Mario Kart 64
- Mario Party 2
- TWINE (Not entirely sure how much this differs from Goldeneye though)
- Both Zeldas of course
- Star Fox 64 (I have this on VC, but don't care for the controls and can't get far. Should I buy this?)
- Diddy Kong Racing (I'm a fan of DK and I've heard this isn't bad but not sure)
- Command and Conquer (Not sure if this is good or not, I heard EA released it for free on computer.)
- StarCraft 64
- Rogue Squadron
I thought that was pretty good for starting out anyways. I do have people to play with, which is why I have some games like Mario Kart and Mario Party 2. I know for sure I need an expansion pack. I know I need an extra controller. But what else will I want? And does anyone have some other, more unheard of but good, games? Thanks in advance.
P.S. I already have Paper Mario on VC and I'm happy with the way that one plays.
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