I think one of the reasons why fighting games have faded from popularity is because there is a select few who became so good at it that those who are looking for casual play gets turned off by it.
I remember when the original Street Fighter II came out and there were crowds of people just waiting around to play it at every arcade, liquor store, or pizza place. I think at that time everyone was just trying to learn how to play and that's why it was so fun. But after awhile the crowds got smaller and smaller and the ones who stayed are the guys who became good at it....and I think one of the reasons for this shrinking crowd was because those guys who became good at it scared away the people that never improved or stayed a average player, even though the two groups played the same hours.
And after all these years and many versions later, the guys who stuck with it became masters at the game whereas the other people who gave up OR the newer people who gives these games a try might be turned off by it because maybe fighting games are very difficult to play. So many moves, combos, special moves, and guys who are so good that a casual player can't even hit them might have complicated this genre a bit. I think that's why fighters have become more of a niche that is narrowed down to a specific audience. I think that's why Virtua Fighter 5 isn't selling too well because maybe the casual player just don't want to take the time to learn how to play it. And even if a person dedicates himself to get good at it, there's no possible way that a person can beat a player who's been at it for many years, unless the newbie is a phenom, which doesn't happen everyday.
And one more reason why I think fighters are losing ground is because fighters are basically the best when you play with others. It was never a single player experience. You get the most out of it by fighting other players. And I think fighters over the years just created that impression that if you're not good at it then fighting games are not for you. I know I get that impression sometimes everytime someone better just beats the crap out of me at Third Strike or Tekken. Losing really does make you feel like a loser and slaps you in the face with a loud message that tells you that the genre is not for you. And it is at these moments that one can turn away and say, "I will never play this game again!" Why? Not because you hate the genre, but that pride is broken. And no one likes being a loser.
I still love fighters even though I get my butt whooped by better players. So I still play fighters...but I think I've been playing by myself more, which is not good if you want to get the most out of your fighting games. In other words, fighters are boring when you're playing alone. For example, I have many titles that I just pop in whenever I get in the mood. But for the most part, they are gathering dust because I spend more time on games that are a true single player experience. So that lasting value as a video game may convince casual players that fighting games aren't worth buying. A game like Virtua Fighter 5 is one of the best PS3 games for sure....but it may not be the best game for everybody, which is a shame.
I think fighting games have the most narrow core market among all the genres because it's mostly about the skills of a player. Also, it's one of those games where you would have to dedicate hours and hours just to get remotely good at it. I think it's these intimidating factors that turn people off to it, because fighters are about the joys and terrors of winning and losing, rather than just having fun as a video game. Anyone can get into a FPS, a RPG, a adventure game, a action game, etc., but not many can be good at fighters. I think that impression people get in knowing that they suck at a game might be the culprit why a lot get turned off by this, otherwise, cool genre of games. And like I said earlier, the time one has to invest just to learn how to be good with one player is daunting, especially when there are so many good players out there.
So in other words, these factors tell the casual player that fighters aren't worth it....I know, that sucks, but this is why I think fighters have faded from popularity over the years.
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