Pretty bad. The controls are adjustable, but no matter where I positioned the slider, I never felt as comfortable with the targetting as tend to in shooters built for consoles. The graphics are reasonable, but on the muddy side (which is common with PC to PS3 ports). The game design is pretty good, though the AI in the demo was fairly weak, even on the highest setting (I had one soldier vault over a desk I was hiding behind, then crouch against it, facing away from me, which let me put a round into the side of his head). Evironmental interaction/the variety in the environments is greater this time around, so I imagine coding AI is a taller order than it was in the original FEAR, but it was still disappointing.
Also, the ghost in the demo kind of sucked. He was appearing and disappearing and the lights were flickering, which just struck me as a contrived annoyance rather than impressive design (I liked such set-ups fine in Dead Space, but this particular encounter just didn't work). The same might be said for a lot of the supernatural bits. Such bits tended to feature Alma as opposed to something one might encounter in-game outside of a boss battle (once again, I point towards Dead Space). Seeing a guy getting torn apart by a creature that is just up ahead is worrying, seeing a guy getting torn apart by the final boss doesn't mean much, because the final boss is a ways away.
EDIT: Anyway, FEAR was one of my most anticipated games, but after the demo, I wouldn't rent this game, let alone buy it.
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