I believe that in 10 years we will see all digital distribution for video games. The internet is becoming more and more available and I think that in 10 years all developed countries will have full access to high-speed internet. It only makes sense that video games will go digital. Why? Well, we can already see right now that this will catch on. This generation introduced us to download-only games for $15 or less. Sony has just announced that the NGP will have simultaneous digital releases of their games. This is a huge sign that digital release will start to take over. I think the next generation home consoles will also have digital release along with the physical box. Also we all know of the success of Steam so I don't even think I have to go into detail about that. What do you guys think? Do you agree? Disagree? Do you like your boxed games? What about collector's editions? Post your thoughts!
I found a news story that is pretty relevant to this topic. EA has revealed that it has officially cut physical manuals from its sports games. They're are going digital with their instruction manuals. The last sports game to have one was NBA Jam.
This is yet another sign that we are going to go digital. To me, this is actually unprecedented. Physical manuals have been included in video games for so long now and EA starting to take them out is huge. However, I never read them anyways. What do you guys think about this? Do you guys read your manuals? Do you think that other publishers are going to follow suit? (I do)
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