In this 1up article on the recent remakes of classic arcade games like Pac-Man, Galaga, Space Invaders, etc., the director of the remakes said this about why the classic games of the past are still remembered and enjoyable today. He also goes on to say that more than half of the modern games with huge budgets and realistic focus will become either stale or forgotten in 20 years.
Here's the qoute:
Interestingly, Iguchi's desire to make games similar to the clas-sics of the 80's is based in a deeper belief that the games of today simply don't match up to those that came before them. "I think more than half of the games you see today with huge budgets and such a 'realistic' focus will be either stale or forgotten in 20 years," he said. "On the other hand, the masterpieces of the 80's will definitely be enjoyed far into the future. The reason for this is simple -- many of these clas-sic titles have unique and fascinating mechanics that can't be diminished by the advancement of technology."
It does make sense and I kind of agree. Note, he did say more than half so he does recognize that there are clas-sics being made even today. But what about some of the one-hit wonder type of games? There are so many big-budgeted games that are popular or will be popular when they're released. But will they end up being forgotten or remembered? And will some of the games of today be also remade 20 years from now?
1up jokingly sums up the article by saying:
"While Iguchi's statement is certainly debatable, he does make an interesting point. Think about this: Do you see a remake of, say, Gears of War being necessary 20 years from now?"
Games like Tetris, Super Mario Bros. 3., Pac-Man, Galaga, etc., will still be played another 20 years from now and be remade many times. But what about Bioshock or Half-Life 2? Will there be a Halo remake? A remake of Grand Theft Auto IV? Do you think there would be a Mass Effect remake or a remake of Call of Duty 4? Do these modern masterpieces have the lasting mechanics that also can't be diminished by the advancement of technology like the masterpieces of the past?
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