I'd say... Resident Evil 4 Final Fantasy 12 Devil May Cry 3 God of War Twisted Metal Black I don't which of them you have played before, but Resident Evil 4 and FF12 will keep you occupied for some time. Although i'm in the minority, I found God of War repetitive and pretty easy. It's the sort of game you can become easily distracted from and forget if you plan to buy so many games within a short peroid.
all those games are easy to find and cheap. the only ones that wont take many, many hours to beat are twisted metal and devil may cry3. if i was buying to buy and not play id go for re4 ff12 gow twisted metal dmc3
i'm gonna go against the flow here and say twisted metal first. it's the oldest and unless you've got friends and a multitap, will be the one you're least likely to play, but it's a good game to have if you do have both of those previously mentioned things.
edit: i'd also advise you, that is if you have a wii, to get re4 on that rather than the ps2. it's much better on the wii imo, and can be had brand new for the low low price of $19.99.
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