@warmblur said:
CyberPunk 2077 most likely and probably the TLOU2.
I'd be shocked if either make 2019, Cyberpunk 2077 from my understanding was coined a "next gen" game.
@lembu90 said:
Crackdown 3 suffered from "Duke Nukem Forever Syndrome". It was delayed many time and when it comes out, it failed to deliver most of its promises thanks to its troubled production. Far Cry New Dawn is a smaller, condensed version of Far Cry 5 with post-apocalyptic coating. Unless you are a big fan of Far Cry 5 villain Joseph Seed, there's no reason for you playing it. Anthem's disappointment already seen much earlier with being always-online MP game and more importantly direct intervention/meddling from Electronic Arts itself, which destroyed once-respected studio.
I'm not trying to focus on the negatives/ less than good games in the thread. Just what's to come and if it'll top the quality and range we'll have early 2019.
For me 2019 will be slightly worse than 2018 if it based on major developers alone.
Nothing wrong with enjoying the hidden gems, you-do-you. Yet I'm looking at the bigger picture here, and not just my personal preference. Half the noted list isn't even on my radar. And trying to avoid ports or expansions, even as a huge Monster Hunter fan, am not considering Iceborne part this conversation.
Most of the Resident Evil 2 Remake credits goes to indie developers who made it until Capcom intervenes
That nothing but fan rumors, Invader being named in the credits was special thanks and was thanking them being passionate. As the two teams had a conversation during the Reborn cancellation issued by Capcom. Which in fairness they had the right to do so.
The "Most" is an extreme exaggeration, and not sure what you thought while making the claim. Capcom may have called Invader Studios to cease and desist Resident Evil 2 Reborn. But stating Capcom stole the teams work has no creditable source to back it up. I've seen both Daymare: 1998 and Reborn and they are not at all like the game Capcom showed us. Not to mention the developer handed over no development assets_
Invader Studios actually stated Capcom helped them get started with Daymare: 1998, which still functions exactly the same as Reborn did, using every feature from Reborn as well. Apparently Capcom helped them with some basic coding techniques to get crisper details and better optimisation.
Am however not very excited for that game, they had a open access last year and 'rough' was my exact thoughts.
@vaidream45 said:
I bet this holiday will be loaded with great games. I have quite a few games to catch up on in my back log til then.
I appreciate a good positive response. Hope 2019 keeps the momentum going, but sadly remain sceptical. Latter half has a strong act to follow
*Side note I forgot about The Outer Worlds. I think given the right marketing it'll be just what Fallout fans need after FO76, though I dunno. . are Fallout fans excited for The Outer Worlds, or is it too colorful?
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