honestly COD doesnt need a game out every year, a new game is only warranted when you make significant changes to the gameplay mechanics, same gameplay different story, new guns doesnt justify the 60$ price tag, either make it a subcription based game, or just stick to the 2 yr sequel model like every other normal game developer out there, activisions greed is going to catch up with them eventually, quite frankly im surprised how people arent already tired of the rinse and repeat structure of the modern FPS these days. there is no room for creativity and innovation if 90 % of the gamers on both consoles give their undivided attention to just one game that isnt truly inspiring to begin with, i mean its essentially MW 2.5.
COD single player is a B action movie, totally passable, and its selling point is the MP, if all they have to offer is a few new guns, new locales, and some fancy gizmos, they can do what EA did with BFBC2 vietnam and call it a day, but they wont, coz they know ppl will line up outside gamestop if they just put some toilet paper in the game box and sold it, just like if apple decided to put a rock in a box and call it irock, ppl will turn up in hordes. the saddest part of this is, more and more talented game developers are losing their creative freedom under the pressure of publishers who demand what is trending atm, which happens to be multiplayer, that why we get MP in assassins creed, and talks of MP in mass effect, just pathetic.
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