Unlike the previous years where COD was on top with news and where all the little kids were so Hyped for the game.
This year has been surprisingly calmer.
Was COD:GOATS really that bad ?
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Unlike the previous years where COD was on top with news and where all the little kids were so Hyped for the game.
This year has been surprisingly calmer.
Was COD:GOATS really that bad ?
It actually sold 50% less than the other games in its first month, however the game is far from done. It has already sold over 15 million copies so its safe to say the franchise is as strong as ever.
If anything people who don't play the games should stop obsessing about it and play whichever game they actually like.
That explains.
I just think the game is getting old and that Activision is milking the crap out of the game.
Call of Duty was good up until MW2 and maybe even Black Ops but MW3 and Blops 2 was horrible because it just felt so generic and you could see it with your naked eye.
It is becoming the definition of insanity.
Buying the same game over and over again.
The only difference= new maps and guns and maybe a twist in the score streaks.
The campaigns are just terrible stories.
This might be my opinion but you can see where I’m coming from.
I’m not obsessing about it though. It’s just I got so used to hear about it. But this hear it has been pleasantly quiet on the COD side.
It was horrible. I played BF4 and would have to say that BF4 is on top at the moment. COD is falling off!
It sells copies, so its far from done.There will always be a huge fan base.
I'm not a fan of this one. I got it as a Christmas gift. I play Battlefield more.
I actually like the map designs and the weapons are cool but other than that, its pretty much the same thing over and over again.
3 things in life are certain: death, taxes, and the same call of duty game being shoved out the door every year.
CoD is a brand now and it takes more than one game to kill a brand. this is especially true when activision insists on financing safe sequels that are unlikely to piss fans off too much even if they mess up a feature or two. activision would have to do biannual releases (i suspect they've learned their lesson after guitar hero) or make years and years of poor decisions to sink CoD.
It's big enough with the casual gaming crowd that as long as they keep making new ones, they will buy it. As for most gamers who play more than two or three games a year, it is dying a bit yes.
If anything people who don't play the games should stop obsessing about it and play whichever game they actually like.
If this were an 80's coming of age movie, you'd be getting a slow clap for this line.
I don't know the answer to the question posed by the thread's creator. Who can predict, right? I never thought CoD would become bigger than Halo so who can say where the fickle hand of fate will take that franchise.
What I do know is that Michael Myers has never used an axe, he's best known for a kitchen knife. AND THE KNIFE ANIMATION IS ALREADY IN THE GAME! Ugh. That's about like putting Freddy Krueger in a game but making him use a machete.
While there might be less hype for each subsequent CoD game, the fact is the multiplayer for the franchise captures a section of the demographic that no other multiplayer games appeal to. It's the same reason FIFA games are fundamentally the same year after year.
Until the gaming market provides people with a realistic alternative to CoD, I don't think the IP is any danger of losing its demand.
In all honesy, I don't enjoy the franchise, but there are how many call of duty games released each year versus Mario, Pokemon, Ratchet and clank, Assassins creed, etc...? One?
It's sales may be slipping a bit but for this franchise that's just a drop in the bucket. As for me I'm still enjoying the games a lot, in fact I bought Ghosts twice. Once was the 360 Hardened Edition and the second was an Xbox One version. Thankfully the dlc Season Pass transfers over to my Xbox One version.
It's sales may be slipping a bit but for this franchise that's just a drop in the bucket. As for me I'm still enjoying the games a lot, in fact I bought Ghosts twice. Once was the 360 Hardened Edition and the second was an Xbox One version. Thankfully the dlc Season Pass transfers over to my Xbox One version.
Actually, black ops 2 sold how much, 22 million? This game has sold 15 million in about 12 weeks, which means that it'll easily break 20 million by the end of the year. Any any case, the franchise isn't really dropping in sales.
It's sales may be slipping a bit but for this franchise that's just a drop in the bucket. As for me I'm still enjoying the games a lot, in fact I bought Ghosts twice. Once was the 360 Hardened Edition and the second was an Xbox One version. Thankfully the dlc Season Pass transfers over to my Xbox One version.
Actually, black ops 2 sold how much, 22 million? This game has sold 15 million in about 12 weeks, which means that it'll easily break 20 million by the end of the year. Any any case, the franchise isn't really dropping in sales.
Oh ok. I wasn't exactly up to date with the numbers as it just 'felt' like sales for the game were a bit sluggish.
It's sales may be slipping a bit but for this franchise that's just a drop in the bucket. As for me I'm still enjoying the games a lot, in fact I bought Ghosts twice. Once was the 360 Hardened Edition and the second was an Xbox One version. Thankfully the dlc Season Pass transfers over to my Xbox One version.
Actually, black ops 2 sold how much, 22 million? This game has sold 15 million in about 12 weeks, which means that it'll easily break 20 million by the end of the year. Any any case, the franchise isn't really dropping in sales.
Oh ok. I wasn't exactly up to date with the numbers as it just 'felt' like sales for the game were a bit sluggish.
I was hoping they were, maybe the series could have "evolved" But no, sales are as strong as before.
It's sales may be slipping a bit but for this franchise that's just a drop in the bucket. As for me I'm still enjoying the games a lot, in fact I bought Ghosts twice. Once was the 360 Hardened Edition and the second was an Xbox One version. Thankfully the dlc Season Pass transfers over to my Xbox One version.
Actually, black ops 2 sold how much, 22 million? This game has sold 15 million in about 12 weeks, which means that it'll easily break 20 million by the end of the year. Any any case, the franchise isn't really dropping in sales.
Oh ok. I wasn't exactly up to date with the numbers as it just 'felt' like sales for the game were a bit sluggish.
I was hoping they were, maybe the series could have "evolved" But no, sales are as strong as before.
Well this new gen could shake things up depending how games like Destiny fare.
Call Of Duty is still a major brand, it isn't going away any time soon. I personally don't play them, but to a lot of causal gamers, video games consist of CoD, FIFA and nothing else.
as long as it keeps making money, they will continue to push them out every single year. Why would they not. I think once a year is crazy and that cod isn't what it was but their sales are still great and there's a following fan base that will continue to buy them. Im loving ghosts but when i compare it to mw2, i wish more people still played that. I would like to see them go back to WWll for a shake up.
Was "World at War" a bust? I don't know how well it was perceived. Wouldn't mind a sequel.
Unlike the previous years where COD was on top with news and where all the little kids were so Hyped for the game.
This year has been surprisingly calmer.
Was COD:GOATS really that bad ?
I am keeping my distance from that series
I don't know if CoD is done.......but after I played Ghosts.......im done with CoD ill tell you that much.
Besides it looks like CoD cant compete with these future games coming out. (Titanfall, Destiny, Halo etc.) I mean CoD can only do so much before they get too redundant......and its about that time. They did try to change it up with ghosts but ghosts was the worst CoD out of all of them imo.
As I said before, I think it's starting to lose popularity among people who buy it every year. The end of any game must happen, but as everyone said, as long as Activision makes money out of it, as long as they will keep releasing it, and they already made huge profit of it.
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