Chrono Trigger is my favourite JRPG because it doesn't fall into a lot of the traps of the genre.
The main draw is that it's not too long. Most JRPGs are stuffed full of random encounters to pad out the length. Given the variety in time periods and locations and how fast you move through the game, it does a good job of keeping things interesting and preventing you from getting bored at any point. IE, If you're in one area for more thanan hour you're probably doing something wrong, which is a nice change from the developers doing something wrong.
It's also not overly verbose, which is something I can't say about a lot of other JRPGs that blast you with banal dialogue and bash plot points into your head over and over again. I love FF6, for example, but it takes forever to move through its story. Chrono Trigger is over and done with before Kefka cracks the world.
If I had any complaint it's that the underlying 'game' is fairly simple, and one or two of the characters aren't as interesting as the others (or as useful). Really, other than spots where you have no choiceis there any reason to have a party consisting of anything other than Crono, Frog, and Ayla? You've got access to a great full-party heal, a powerful triple attack, and all three characters hit damn hard (which is more than you can say for Lucca or Marle).
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