@rockstargamer48 said:
@Macutchi said:
the story, base building / maintenance and occasional repetitive nature of the game are the detractors but, as others have already said, the core stealth gameplay is just so good that it's definitely worth a purchase, particularly for a stealth fan
You know I'm kind of confused a tad. When you look at a game like Red Dead 2 with such high praise the actual missions are pretty linear. But then when you look at missions from Metal Gear : Phantom Pain with completely open-ended mission structure, people say that all the missions are too similar. Just seems like it's tough for developers to make missions too open-ended, with no narrative in them. If your missions are too open-ended then you'll have too many missions saying (Go to point B, Kill a bunch of people there, retrieve reward and return to point A) seem like a pretty average mission structure. But then if the game has too many structured missions then it falls apart. So I'm guessing a balance of both mission types would be best.
it's not quite as black and white as that unfortunately. mgsv's missions are open ended but that's not why people say it's repetitive, it's more because of the game's overarching formulaic nature.
just about every mission has you start at motherbase, pick your weapon / sidekick loadout, get transported via helicopter to drop zone with unskippable cut scene (i assume it's a loading screen replacement), exit helicopter, travel to target location, scout out a base, stealth in, stealth out, call the helicopter, back to base.
and it's an extremely long game, so you'll do this a lot.
then there's the large volume of side mission content which revolves around going back to locations you've already visited and recycling similar mission goals - rescue a soldier, collect a blueprint etc.
but despite that formulaic nature, when i compare it to other games of similar length with that amount of side content e.g. any ubisoft opem world game, i'd much rather play a game like mgsv that gives me freedom to play in whatever style i choose, than a game that limits me to one particular style or has puddle deep mechanics (there's a huge gulf in the depth of stealth mechanics between assassin's creed compared to mgsv, for example)
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