[QUOTE="PalmPixi"]I like every type of music genre, so I don't get your point. Also you probablly don't know how to distinguish dance from pop... which is what that song is. Pop.
"Oh looky me I listen to hardcore stuff like metal and rock, I'm so hardcore". Please. I'm guessing you just listen to guitar and drums, and don't know half about what the song actually means.
It's not the fact that you don't like the Portal song, is the fact that you bash it, as if your opinion was a FACT. When it's not. Look how many likes vs. dislikes there is on the youtube video. Gamers who understand the game, actually like the song. It doesn't need to be "hardcore" in order to be good. If it fits with the game, then it's perfect. The song is perfect.
The people who look up that song on youtube are more than likely going to already like the song, hence looking it up on youtube.
'Please. I'm guessing you just listen to guitar and drums, and don't know half about what the song actually means.'- why are you so prejudice? You're constantly assuming things about me that you obviously have no idea of. In fact, my favourite heavy metal song is actually a very soft, melodic song about a man contempleting suicide, and then commiting it. Yes, that sounds like a typical heavy metal song, but i was very depressed at one point and that song helped me big time. It made me happy, something you'll probably not understand. I never said i was 'hardcore' either, please forgive me for actually liking music that has a bit of meaning. I didn't so much 'bash' the portal song, i just said i didn't like it. You talk about it like it's the best song of all time.
Ihave never played Portal,perhaps in game context the song really fits and is perfect. But i would imagine it is mainly only people who have actually played the game thats likes the song.Forget this notion of 'hardcore' that you keep mentioning, cause I also like other music types, just not as much as rock and metal. Johnny Cash, some Eminem songs etc. I'd easily listen to, if they told a good enough story.
Trust me sweetheart, I know what depression is. So stop being prejudice, and stop assuming things that you have no idea of.Also you didn't say "I don't like the song" you said: Why do people love that song? I'd be embarrased listening to that.
Assuming that people should be emberrased to like the song and shouldn't love it.
If you haven't play portal, then why run your mouth? You'd had to play the game in order to understand the song, hence why "people love it".
First off, don't patronise me. Second, don't say i'm being prejudice just because i said that about you.
Third, being embarrased about something generally means you dont like it e.g If i messed up in a public speech, then i would be embarrased. I then would probably not like doing public speeches anymore.
Fourth, this line: 'Assuming that people should be emberrased to like the song and shouldn't love it' is just bs. i said I would be embarrased, I didnt say everyone should be embarrased because they like it.
You're last sentence, ok yeah i agree. I've kinda been a bit hypocritical.
End of this discussion please.
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