@Simulator_Shock said:
So the other day I stopped by the local game store and bought myself a Dreamcast with an extra controller and two VMU's. As soon as I got the system bagged I went over to check out the DC games on the shelf, but unfortunately all they had were a million copies of NFL 2K and not much else...
So as soon as I got home I looked up top games on the Dreamcast and I kept noticing that Skies of Arcadia was pretty much on every single list of the best DC games ever. Despite the fact that most of my favorite games of all time are SNES JRPG's like Earthbound and Chrono Trigger, I just never got around to playing SoA for some reason...
Is this game really that good? Has it really aged that well since it came over 15 years ago? Most mint copies of the game usually sell for around $70-$80 which is pretty damn steep for an old game but if the game really matches it's legacy than I won't mind taking the plunge.
What are the good and bad things about it? Give me an idea of what to expect!
Note: I only own Skies of Arcadia Gamecube version, I had a Dreamcast (still have that lovely machine) I haven't played the Dreamcast version at it's time, but the only edge the Dreamcast seems to have over the Gamecube seems to be the soundtrack - music is a definitely worse than the original Dreamcast version from what I'm told. Not unlistenable, but markedly worse. Otherwise, I would think that the Gamecube is a more full gameplay experience on the whole then the DC version.
Gamecube port:
- reduced encounter rate, compared to what is generally agreed to be the Dreamcast's high encounter rate
- graphics touched up
- additional sidequests, battles
Now then about the actual game to you're question: It's a fun game with some good elements, some even very original, and gives you a great sense of exploration and adventure. It just bogs itself down with an archaic battle system and plot conveniences that, by half way, you can see coming a mile away. Great ideas, even better atmosphere, just mismanaged. It's a good game but 2 things I didn't like about it are: 1-Too many random battles but then again, it's a RPG thing after all and 2-Ship battles took way too long in my opinion. I believe most people on here would consider it a good game. I think it would be hard to find someone who considers this game bad, but there are a few who dislike it. I think it has one of the better RPG stories out there, and in my opinion. The main thing Skies of Arcadia does well is it's theme. Pirates, adventure, etc. The game captures that "feeling" rather well. More so in the later parts of the game than the earlier.
Well that's it, hope this info helps and after reading you're thread, i still got my GC hook up to another HDTV and I think I'll replay Skies of Arcadia at some point.
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