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Metacritic says meh
I hate to do this, but Gerstmann himself said worth a rent or perhaps picking up not for full price in his video review...
Oh my... Actual objective statements toward Kane & Lynch... I think I just walked into limbo...
Kane & Lynch is a pretty entertaining and fun game. If I had to arbirtrarily give it a score I'd place it in the 7-7.5 range going by Gamespot's standards. It's effectively Freedom Fighters 2. There are indeed better games out there, but it is in no way the gargabe that a lot of people are perpetuating out of some blind loyalty to a guy recently fired (which in no way has been proven to have anything to do with the game anyways).
Albeit is pretty damn short (my girlfriend and myself got through it in about 6 hours, so it would vary solo I assume) and both endings rather disappointing in their brevity.
The "Fragile Alliance" mode, which might as well have been called "Prisoner's Dilemma," is pretty cool looking. I'm surprised there hasn't been anything like that before... I wonder if I can forge/custom games up a map like that on H3?Arborescence
Ugh... Fragile Alliance could have been so incredibly better it's actually sad how limited the mode is. Aside from idiotic infrastructure issues (ask anyone what it's like to get a connection error..) it just lacks depth. And a lot of people who played it kind of didn't get the idea behind it... If there was anything to critixize the game for it's the inept way the multi-player was tossed in.
/But oh, what could have been.
the single player brings nothing new to the genre, its boring, the premis for the story is good the execution is bad, very bad. the game looks like its been upscaled from the PS2. I feels unfinished. The multiplayer is an interesting idea but yet again, really poor execution. when i played ppl would always stab you in the back so it was like deathmatch every time.
The game isn't good.thats my opinion. i'd give it a... 6.0
The gameplay seems really thrown in, as if no time was spent on it. There's like no variety to the gameplay, it's linear as hell and it just isn't fun to actually play the game. The graphics don't look too hot either. Oh and the dialogue is downright annoying.
I'd say it falls short of being worth a rent.
5.5 IMHO
[QUOTE="Arborescence"]The "Fragile Alliance" mode, which might as well have been called "Prisoner's Dilemma," is pretty cool looking. I'm surprised there hasn't been anything like that before... I wonder if I can forge/custom games up a map like that on H3?VilgeDuin
Ugh... Fragile Alliance could have been so incredibly better it's actually sad how limited the mode is. Aside from idiotic infrastructure issues (ask anyone what it's like to get a connection error..) it just lacks depth. And a lot of people who played it kind of didn't get the idea behind it... If there was anything to critixize the game for it's the inept way the multi-player was tossed in.
/But oh, what could have been.
Yeah dude, I was talking about theoretics, I heard the idea and found it was interesting. I've never played the game so I don't know how it was carried out (although jeff seemed to think it was pretty poor :P)
The gameplay seems really thrown in, as if no time was spent on it. There's like no variety to the gameplay, it's linear as hell and it just isn't fun to actually play the game. The graphics don't look too hot either. Oh and the dialogue is downright annoying.
I'd say it falls short of being worth a rent.
5.5 IMHO
The problem is that there's a lot of shooting in the game, and moving around, aiming and shooting is just so damn poor.
To put it bluntly the game lacks identity, its a cluster-f*** of ideas that don't even feel like there put together properly, thats not to say the idea for the game itself was bad cause it would have be great if it was executed properly and done right but like I said the game is just a cluster-f*** of things that just don't mesh together to form even a good game.
Jeff review is unfortunately right on the mark, its just a pity that he got fired over an honest review basically.
I can't say it personally, but my friend really likes it.
It's one of those average games I guess...You may love it, you make like it, you may hate it.
yes, it's been getting mediocre reviews everywhere. do you know how bad gamespot would look if they fired somebody for giving it the review it deserves in spite of its ads being plastered all over the site? oops, too late!
gs would have actually looked a lot worse if gerstman had inflated the score in opposition to what all the other sites/mags are saying?
Oh my... Actual objective statements toward Kane & Lynch... I think I just walked into limbo...
Kane & Lynch is a pretty entertaining and fun game. If I had to arbirtrarily give it a score I'd place it in the 7-7.5 range going by Gamespot's standards. It's effectively Freedom Fighters 2. There are indeed better games out there, but it is in no way the gargabe that a lot of people are perpetuating out of some blind loyalty to a guy recently fired (which in no way has been proven to have anything to do with the game anyways).
Thanks. That's basically what I'm trying to say. I loved the first Freedom Fighters and assumed if they used basically the same stuff it would be similar with Kane and Lynch and that's what it is. A decent squad based shooter.
what did gerstman do wrong?UT_Wrestler
Well, he did give it one of the lowest reviews of any website...
Anyway, weren't people saying that he had underrated it when his review first came out? I remember a few threads saying that the game wasn't actually that bad - but everyone seems to have adopted Jeff's view and saying that it isn't worth playing...
I guess that I'll have to play it and find out.
[QUOTE="VilgeDuin"]Oh my... Actual objective statements toward Kane & Lynch... I think I just walked into limbo...
Kane & Lynch is a pretty entertaining and fun game. If I had to arbirtrarily give it a score I'd place it in the 7-7.5 range going by Gamespot's standards. It's effectively Freedom Fighters 2. There are indeed better games out there, but it is in no way the gargabe that a lot of people are perpetuating out of some blind loyalty to a guy recently fired (which in no way has been proven to have anything to do with the game anyways).
Thanks. That's basically what I'm trying to say. I loved the first Freedom Fighters and assumed if they used basically the same stuff it would be similar with Kane and Lynch and that's what it is. A decent squad based shooter.
The squad AI is ATROCIOUS, the game doesn't even have decent controls whether it's precision aiming, cover or basic movements, everything felt clunky. I'm not sure what some people are measuring this game against, if you've played anygood action game this year K&L would be unplayable.
I hear it's really the story that keeps the game alive, the gameplay is just "eh..w/e"
The multiplayer sounds really fun too. With CoD4 and Halo 3 taking all the online shooter players though, it's not gonna be very populated. It's also not worth 60 game is worth 60 dollars, the most I'll pay is 50, and the few extra bucks on tax.
Now that gertsman was fired though, everyone's giving it a 1, so now the user score is like 2.6 or something lol. People aren't even allowed to review it because it's just people ranting about jeff.
.....Remember though, if you don't like Kane and Lynch then Eidos will make you loose your job. JK.
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